soThis is not your neighborhood book club,
it’s a movement to help reboot your reading habit.

soThis is…a place for you to ditch your book choice overwhelm and pick up accessibility, accountability, and community to make reading fun. We raise the bar by going beyond the book with challenging conversations designed to spark your passions, turn insights into action, and celebrate our diversity.

soThis is the place that makes it simple to turn the first page (and then the second).

“I’m reading so much more.
I love it.”

– Current member of soThis

How is this happening?

soThis is a virtual book club that helps you to:

  • Eliminate book choice overwhelm.

  • Stay accountable to your reading goals.

  • Develop a deeper connection with yourself.

  • Continue to learn and grow, without having to languish inside a stuffy classroom.

  • Escape into a space “just for you” anytime you choose (vs. inside the cramped confines of your *car spa*)

Join a badass community of Gen-X women focused on building genuine connections, exploring the power of storytelling, and amplifying each voice that sits at our table.

“I love the community of women across the country. I’m not in any other networks like this, it’s this little special thing I have all to myself.”

-Current member of soThis

Women who are part of soThis have found accountability and momentum inside a highly engaged community. They’ve gone from:

  • Doom scrolling their way to dreamland (ahem, nightmare alley’s more like it), to tagging in a good book and seeing where it leads

  • Living a life that felt as if it revolved around excruciating small talk, to living a life that’s expanded outside her comfort zone. More connection, deeper conversations, expanded world!

  • Having less than zero motivation to pick up a hardcover, to listening to audiobooks while she walks, rides the subway, and folds laundry.

  • Feeling bored to tears in their current wine, I mean book club, to exploring books and living meaningfully. She’s building connections with ambitious, intelligent, deeply caring women from across the US.

  • Being held captive by an unfinishable list of to-do’s, to feeling the satisfaction of completion when she finishes that last sentence.

You’ve got questions?

We’ve got answers.

1. I’m already part of a couple of FREE book clubs. One’s right down the street, and then I’m part of Reese’s Book Club online. Why should I pay for soThis?

First of all, I’m psyched you’re already reading (that’s our number one goal)! However, my suspicion is that if you’re here, there’s something missing from the book clubs you’re currently in. So, let me ask a few of questions:

  • Are you actually reading the books?

  • Do you love the books your current clubs choose?

  • Do you get intimate chats with the authors of the books?

  • When you get together, do you actually talk about the book??

  • Does your book club have a community of women across the US?

If you’re shaking your head as you read this, give soThis a shot — we pride ourselves on focusing on building an inclusive community of women who get together to talk about books — and we’d love to have you.

2. I already have more memberships than I can count. To be honest, I’m kind of worried I’ll regret signing up for a recurring membership. What if I don’t use it?

Here’s the deal, soThis isn’t a reincarnation of Columbia House. I understand how hectic certain times of the year can be, or that you might travel over the summer and have no use for a book club community. That’s why you’re welcome to hop in and out as often as you like with our monthly option, no strings attached.

3. I have a full-time job, kids, a marriage, friends, and the list only keeps growing — how am I going to find the time to read?

Inside soThis we set you up for success with my proven P.A.C.K.E.T.S. Framework, offer accountability with monthly book chats, and give you access to a community that’s there to offer you support for more than just reading!

4. I love settling in for a cozy night on my couch with Netflix. Are you going to make me give that up so I can find time to read?

Of course not! I want you to have your Netflix, Apple TV, Instagram and your reading too — it’s all about balance. Once you join, I’ll walk you through my framework, laying out a simple way to reboot your reading.

5. I can’t believe how many books you read. It’s wild. Do I need to be reading 7 books at a time to be part of soThis?

The short answer is no! I’ve been a super reader since I turned my first page, but that’s just me. We’ll be tackling one book each month that I’ve curated for the group — but there’s no requirement for you to read it at my pace, the group’s pace, or at all! This is a zero pressure community.

6. I already feel overwhelmed looking at what you’ve got going on inside the membership. I just want a book club.

Your wish has been granted! All jokes aside, The Speaker Series, Meet the Author, and soThis app are all optional! There’s no requirement for you to participate in everything – or anything. Look at soThis like a buffet, you can take what you like and leave what you don’t. We’ll record any live events, so if you decide you’d like to catch something at a later time, it’s there for you to check out.

Here’s how you’ll know if you are a good fit for soThis.

Are you a woman who wants to read more, but can’t seem to find time between listening to podcasts, binge-watching Netflix, and rabbit-holing on IG?

Are you a woman who currently finds herself watching more “Real Housewives” episodes than reading Tolstoy-esque novels?

Are you a woman who’s been left paralyzed by the sheer volume of book recommendations coming at her?

Are you a woman who finds herself in a book club that has morphed into gossip girl happy hour?

Are you a woman who devoured the viral picks from Oprah, Reese, and Jenna…but then flamed out, and hasn’t picked up a book since?

If you recognize your Doc Marten-wearing self in one of these statements, it’s time to get inside soThis!

OK.  Give me the 411.

What the membership includes:

For $34.99 per month, you can join a community that’s raising the bar on books, banter and badassery for Gen-X Women.

Each month, the book club offers:

Curated Book Selection
Each month we have a different book club selection.  The books we read are thought-provoking, moving, and open up important conversations.

Book Chats/Author Chats
At the end of each month, we discuss the book on Zoom, and frequently, we have the author join part of our discussion.

soThis Speaker Series

Each month, we have an interesting guest speaker or a workshop where we explore cool, fun stuff together.

Private App

We have our own private app where we can connect off of social media.  In the app, you can find a daily dose of inspiration, thought-provoking conversation, fresh perspective, and fun.

And, how does it work, exactly?

Get yourself inside soThis right now. When you join, you immediately get access to the:

  • Curated monthly book club selection

  • Exclusive P.A.C.K.E.T.S. Framework

  • Monthly members-only one-hour virtual book club chat

  • SoThis private app (that’s right, no algorithms, ads, or Aunt Karens)

  • SoThis Speaker Series featuring high-profile guest speakers & workshops

And the best part of all, our diverse community of ambitious, smart, curious women who’ll be there to support you on the journey to reboot your reading habit. You deserve to have rewarding conversations, celebrate your curiosities, share your insights, and gain momentum with your new book brigade.

When enrollment re-opens in August, we’ve got a seat at the table waiting for you!

Who am I and why did I create soThis?

Have we not formally met?

I’m Annie.

As a lifelong super-reader who’s had her nose stuck in a book since 1975, I will help curate the books you really want to read, while keeping it fun & engaging — not snoozy, pressure-filled or stressful.

Now, I may be well read — but I’m no book snob.I read high, low and everything in between. In fact, this insatiably curious book nerd even loves to read about books she hasn’t yet read. 

Think of me as your “Let’s Go” guide.

I do have one little confession to make: I hate book clubs. 

Well, I hate book clubs that are a thinly veiled excuse to drink wine and hang out. (I am totally down for that–just call it what it is!) 

I also can’t stand book clubs that only pick “safe,” easy-to-read books instead of choosing something challenging or controversial.

You see, I believe the challenge is where the magic happens.

Challenges like the isolation, claustrophobia, and uncertainty of the COVID lockdown in 2020, which provided the catalyst for soThis. This *Black-Mirror-style* reality showed me the power of having a community with a shared love of reading, with a place for connection and rich discussion.

And out of the chaos soThis was born.

Here’s what some current members tell us…

“It’s made me read books I never would have opened!”

“soThis makes it easy and rewarding to have great conversations around books.”

“I don’t like spending any money so I wasn’t sure it would be worth the expense. But the community is worth it and more!”